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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Angels ,Everything you need to know.

Hierachy of the Angelic Kingdom
The name given to certain powerful and highly placed angels who are honored with the title of prince or ruling princes of heaven. The angelic princes are found especially in Jewish lore, with princes governing not only the seven heavens, but the angelic orders or choirs. Following are some of the princes of the individual choirs:
Seraphim: Michael, Metatron, Uriel, Seraphiel, and Satan (before his Fall)The  (others do not wish to be named )
Cherubim: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zophiel, and Sata (before his fall)
Thrones: Zaphkiel, Raziel, Orifiel, and Jophiel
Dominations: Zadkiel, Zacharel, and Muriel
Virtues: Gabriel, Michael, Uzziel, Tarshish, Sabriel, and Peliel
Powers: Camael, Gabriel, Verchiel, and Satan (before his Fall)
Principalities: Amael, Nisroch, and Haniel
Archangels: Metatron, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel,,Archangel Ariel
Barachiel, Jehudiel, and Satan (before his Fall)
Angels: Gabriel, Chayyliel, Phaleg,   Chantall  Adnachiel  St tersa st ,Germain ,,(:Note st Germain is One of  a few angels who have been spooted ,Amongest humans.)(Saint Germain Pt 1: The Man Who Would Not Die )Copy paste put into youtube)

The highest and most splendid of the nine accepted angelic orders as developed by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite and largely embraced by the Christian Church. Not only are the seraphim the highest of the nine choirs, they are ranked first in the first triad of the Dionysian scheme, with the cherubim and the thrones. Without question they are the closest in all of heaven to the very throne of God, and their primary function is to circle the incomprehensibly beautiful throne in perpetual adoration of the Lord. According to Enoch, each seraphim has six wings. The last detail is corroborated by the Old Testament Book of Isaiah (6:1-3).
They are celestial angels that are said to surround the throne of God. They are the regulators of the movements of the heavens and have untold responsibilities in the administration of God's infinite universe. Heavenly counselors - guardians of the Light throughout the universe. Have little contact with beings on Earth. They keep celestial records.
The Sumerian original version of them was that they were entities that were relatively fierce looking beings that had the body of an ox or horse and the face of a man with a long beard and wings. They were supposed to have been sent to guard the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden.
There are twelve master seraphim:
1. Epochal angels: direction of the affaires of each generation and root race
2. Progress angels: initiate the evolutionary process of creatures
3. Religious guardians: angels of the church
4. Angels of national life: angels of the trumpets, direct political performance
5. Angels of the races: work for conservation of the evolutionary process
6. Angels of the future: forecast and predict the future
7. Angels of enlightment: planetary education, mental and moral training
8. Angels of health: angelic healing corps
9. The home seraphim: preservation and advancement of the home.
10. Angels of industry: foster industrial development
11. Angels of diversion: play, humor, rest, and human leisure
12. Angels of superhuman ministry: angels of the angels.

Cheribum - Choir
The second of the nine accepted choirs of angels, placed second as well in the first triad of the angelic hieraechy (with the seraphim and thrones) devised by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite. The cherubim are some of the most powerful and awe-inspiring of all angels, standing below only the seraphim in direct closeness to God; they thus are second only to their seraphic brethren in the degree to which they emanate the love of God and possess knowledge and wisdom. Their illuminating knowledge and wisdom are thus so great as to be utterly incomprehensible to the mortal mind, blinding the blessed human who has the honor of actually beholding them in this world. The cherubim are additionally given the arduous task of maintaining the records of heaven and seeing to the myriad details that must be fulfilled to maintain the heavenly host. Dionysius declared them to be guardians of the fixed stars. By the Hebrews they were called kerub, a name that may mean "one who intercedes"; Their chiefs are named as being Cherubiel Kerubiel), Ophaniel, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and Zophiel.

Thrones - Kingdom
They are heavenly counselors and companion angels of all of the planets. One of the nine choirs of angels, as accepted on lore and determined by the sixth century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite. Called the ophanim or galgallim in Hebrew traditions, the thrones are also termed the "wheels" and the "many-eyed ones." The name 'wheels' was derived from the Hebrew word ophanim (later galgallim, "wheels" or "spheres"), itself based on the vivid description of these angels found in the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel (1:13-19).
They belong to the first and highest triad of the heavenly host, standing just below the seraphim and the cherubim; this position makes them some of the most powerful angels in the service of the Lord. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, the thrones have the task of pondering the disposition of divine judgments, meaning that they carry out or fulfill the divine justice of the Lord. Like their counterparts in the first angelic triad, they come the closet of all angels to spiritual perfection and emanate the light of God with mirrorlike goodness. In some Jewish lore the thrones function within the heavenly scheme of things as either the chariots upon which the throne of God rests (the Merkabah) or as the wheels of the chariot. This imagery is expressed fully in the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel (1:13-21), where they appeared with the cherubim.

Michael is an archangel mentioned in the Book of Revelation 12:7; in the Hebrew Bible Michael is only mentioned by name in the Persian context of the post-Exilic Book of Daniel. Only there in Daniel does Michael appear as "one of the chief princes" who in Daniel's vision comes to the angel Gabriel's aid in his contest with the angel of Persia, and is also described there as the advocate of Israel (10:21, 12:1). The Talmud tradition rendered his name as meaning "who is like El (God)? (but literally "El's Likeness")" (compare the late prophet Micah), but according to Rabbi Simeon ben Lakish (230-270 CE), all the specific names for the angels were brought back by the Jews from Babylon, and many modern commentators would agree. Michael is one of the principal angels in Abrahamic tradition; his name was said to have been the war-cry of the angels in the battle fought in heaven against Satan and his followers.
The figure of Michael probably originated in Chaldaea as a protective god or spirit. Accepted by the Jews, he emerged as so major an angel in Jewish lore that he was honored as the patron angel of the nations (out of seventy, or seventy-two according to other sources) who did not fall from grace, his bias entirely understood since it favored God's Chosen People.
Much of the late Midrash detail about Michael was transmitted to Christian mythology through the Book of Enoch whence it was taken up and further elaborated. In late medieval Christianity, Michael together with St George became the patron of chivalry, and the patron of the first chivalric order of France, the Order of Saint Michael of 1469. In the British honours system, a chivalric order founded in 1818 is also named for these two saints, the Order of St Michael and St George. St Michael is also considered in many Christian circles as the patron saint of the warrior. Police Officers and Soldiers particularly American paratroopers regard him as their patron saint.
Catholics refer to him as St. Michael the Archangel and also simply as Saint Michael while Orthodox Christians refer to him as the Taxiarch Archangel Michael or simply Archangel Michael.

Gabriel is an archangel whose name means "God is my strength" and who is the one of the most beloved of all members of the heavenly host. Gabriel is also one of the highest ranked of all angels and is only one of two (or three) actually named angels in the entire Bible, with Michael and Raphael.
Among the Jews, Gabriel's power and strength-as implied by his very name-were frequently noted in legends and tales. He has been called the angel of the power of God and also the angel of judgment and has been equated with thunder and majesty.
In the role of judgment angel he will supposedly appear on the last day and blow the final trumpet that will call all of the living and the dead to come forth and face the final, irrevocable judgment of the Lord. Known in the Arabic as Jibril, Gabriel has a prominent role in Islamic teachings, for he believed to have dictated the entire Qur'an, surah by surah, to Muhammad and is called the angel of truth and the chief of the four favored angels.

Raphael is one of the seven archangels and one of the best loved of all angels. Raphael is honored as the regent of the sun, the angel of healing, the angel of science, the angel of knowledge, head of the guardian angels, and chief of the angelic orders of virtues, although he is also a member of the seraphim, the dominations, and the cherubim.
Raphael, whose name means "God has healed," is best known for his appearance in the Book of Tobit. Raphael is said to possess the happiest disposition of any of the angels, having as well the best sense of humor. This may well be a result of his close relationship with the sun; he is, after all, regent of the orb and was called by the poet Longfellow the angel of the sun. He delights in bringing health, happiness, and joy everywhere he goes and encourages the guardian angels in their work.

Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament. His name has been variously translated as "the Lord is God", "whose God is the Lord", "God the Lord", "the strong Lord", "God of the Lord", "my God is the Lord", "the Lord is my God", and "my God is Jehovah".

The seventh-named patriarch of the Old testament Book of Genesis and one of the best-known figures in the field of angelology because of his reputed authorship of the Books of Enoch and his supposed transformation by God into the mighty angel Metatron. One of the so-called antediluvian patriarchs (the patriarchs prior to the Flood of Noah fame), Enoch was the son of Jared and was himself the father of Methuselah, who would live to be 969 years old. Said to be exceedingly pleasing to God, Enoch received the high honor of being taken to heaven. Despite these relatively brief mentionings in Scripture, Enoch (called Idris in the Qur'an and honored as a "truthful man, a prophet" by the Muslims) became the basis of a large body of legends. He is the supposed author of 366 books, collectively termed Enochian literature.
The most famous writings with  his name are the First, Second, and Third Books of Enoch, ranked among the largest  body of literature termed apocryphal and pseudepigraphical, meaning that they are noncanonical (not accepted into the body of recognized books of the Bible) and are-in the case of the pseudepigrapha-attributed to some person of note and written in the style of The real  biblical books. Most interesting of all the legends is the one in which Enoch was transported to heaven and there transformed into the angel Metatron. Once there, he was, with the divine flourish, made into Metatron, the angel of the face, high priest of the heavenly temple, and one of the supreme angels in all of the celestial hierarchy-not to mention the tallest of angels, with 36 wings and 265,000 eyes.


Is   of  the order of Virtues or Archangels in the Hierarchy of angels. As one of the Archangels, Ariel is regarded as having a high position in the hierarchy, with attachments to several orders/choirs. Ariel is called one of the seven Angels of Presence or "Angels of the Face", and believed to be a ruling prince of the Arelim (Jewish angelic hierarchy), all orders equated with the Thrones. Ariel has also been listed as being a Cherub, Power and Principality. Ariel has been claimed as a "guardian" spirit by several individuals,

Second  - Heavenly Governors The Domination Choir
One of the nine accepted orders or choirs of angels, called also the dominions and the lords and termed in the Hebrew the hashmallim. In the celestial hierarchy as organized by sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite, the dominations belong to the second triad, with the virtures and powers, and are ranked fourth overall among the angelic choirs. The chief or ruling princes of the order are said to be Hashmal, Zadkiel, Muriel, and Zacharael. According to Dionysius, the denomintions have the duty in the heavenly host of regulating the tasks of the angels, and "through them the majesty of God is manifested.' Through the efforts of the dominations-who are naturally seen only rarely by mortals-the very order of the cosmos is maintained. They handle the minute details of cosmic life and existence, designating tasks to the lower orders of angels. By custom they are believed to wear green and gold, and their symbols are the sword and scepter, denoting their lordship over all created things. In turn, the dominations receive their instructions from the cherubim or thrones.

Virtues Choir
One of the nine choirs of angels as listed by the sixth-century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite. The virtues are ranked fifth in the heavenly host and belong to the second triad of angelic orders, with dominations and powers; as members of the second triad, they take part in the duties given to the three choirs, namely the ordering of the universe. The virtues specifically preside over the elements of the world and the process of celestrial life. Thus all heavenly bodies-from the stars and planets to the galaxies themselves-are kept in their divinely appointed routes and progress. On earth the angels maintain a watch over nature, marking and guiding every facet of natural life; rain, wind, snow, etc. In legend, two angels from this choir served as the angels of the Ascension, appearing at the moment of the Ascension of Christ. The virtues are called in the Hebrew the malakim and the tarshishim.

Powers - Choir
One of the nine accepted choirs of angels according to the celestial organization developed by the sixth century theologian Dionysius the Areopagite; also called potentates, authorities, dynamis, and forces, the powers are placed in the second triad of the nine choirs and are numbered sixth overall. The powers were supposedly the very first of the angels created by God, although this disagrees with the teaching that all angels came into existence at the same moment. They are described as having the task of defeating the efforts of the demons in overthrowing the world and are declared the awesome defenders of the cosmos against all evil and the maintainers of all cosmic order and equilibrium. They are guardians of the heavenly paths, policing the routes to and from heaven to the earth, which means that they concern themselves as well with humanity.Angels can take many forms depending on what jesus or god requires ,Angels are not limited to male or female. Like on earth. Common Question :Why ?  Archangels have mastered most of the universe and only know peace, Its hard for some one in this reality to understand. And as above what god requires shall be done.

 (Content more will be added over time)

Love and light all ways.

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